Cookies are small files which help Data Administrator to provide better services. Data Administrator uses cookies for the purposes listed below:
This site uses cookies to save users sessions and for strictly necessary operations, such as web traffic distribution.
This site uses cookies to gather and remember users preferences and to optimize navigation services. There are cookies enabling language and currency setting, for instance.
Services mentioned in this section allow the Data Administrator to monitor and analyze web traffic data and remember users behavior anonymously, third parties won' t have access to IP level data.
Google Analytics is a premium web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google analyzes and reports personal data for cross platform tracking. This version of Google analyti's anonymizes the IP address, by removing the last octet of the IP address prior to its storage, in all EU member states and other EEA member states. Only under special circumstances IP address will be sent to the U.S Google server to be anonymized there. More Information
Collected personal data: cookies and web surfing data
Processing Location: USA – Privacy Policy – Opt Out
On top of what listed above within this Cookie Policy Statement, the user can choose to accept or decline cookies from third parties within own browser. By modifying browser settings it is possible to delete previously enabled cookies including the one cookie enabling cookies form this web site. Disabling all cookies may prevent the website from fully functioning. It is easy to find information on how to handle cookies on own browser on the following websites:Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Windows Explorer.
The Data Administrator of personal data, according to Italian law, is :
Telephone: 0461585466, Email:
Data Administrator technically does not have any control over cookies or other tracking systems operated by linked third parties whilst visiting their websites through links in this Application, and therefore can not be held responsible for any information about third parties cookie or privacy policy. To obtain full information have a look to the privacy policy applicable to third parties websites in question listed in this document. Given the true complexity of cookies technologies identification and interaction with the web, the user is invited to contact the Data Administrator to receive any further detailed information about cookies and their possible use, including for instance by third parties, enabled by this website.
Last modified: 15/05/2015